For over 30 years Cox Pavement Consulting has been designing and managing pavement projects to meet the needs of every client.

If you aren't sure how to get started on a pavement project, let our experts give you the information you need to make informed decisions. Our on-site inspections, complete project design, and comprehensive project management ensures that you get the right project installed the right way.


On site inspections and in depth pavement analysis. Our inspection and design work covers asphalt and concrete rehabilitation, ADA compliance, surface drainage and much more.


Complete site condition reports and comprehensive project budgets give owners, property managers and boards the information they need to make the right decisions for their pavement assets.


We take owner approved projects out to bid via our Bid Specification Package. The same contract documents, the same project items, all bid on by qualified contractors.


Cox Pavement Consulting represents your interests throughout the entire pavement rehabilitation process - from initial layout to final project approval.

Case Studies